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Support for President Biden wanes among Arab Americans after the Hamas attacks and Israel’s response

The recent attacks by Hamas and Israel’s response in Gaza have caused a noticeable shift in support for President Joe Biden among Arab Americans. According to a poll conducted late last year, Mr. Biden’s support among Arab Americans dropped from 59 percent to 17 percent, marking a significant decrease since the last election. This decline in support has been further highlighted by protests at almost every campaign event in recent weeks, with demonstrators criticizing the president’s support for Israel. These protests have been met with chants such as “Genocide Joe” and “How many kids have you killed today?” at campaign stops, indicating the depth of the dissatisfaction within the Arab American community.

Osama A. Siblani, publisher of the Arab American News, expressed that Mr. Biden’s standing among Arab voters is at an all-time low, and believes that even the imposition of sanctions would do nothing to change that sentiment. The lack of specificity from the White House about the president’s schedule in Michigan has been interpreted by some as an attempt to avoid potential protests, indicating the level of tension surrounding Mr. Biden’s perceived support for Israel.

The protesters have expressed their belief that Mr. Biden has not done enough to prevent the killing of thousands of Palestinians by Israel. Authorities in Gaza report that at least 26,000 people have been killed during Israel’s military campaign against Hamas. In response to the violence, the United States has imposed sanctions against four Israelis allegedly involved in attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken emphasized that the sanctions are intended to pressure Israel’s government to prevent violence against Palestinians and to hold those responsible for such acts accountable.

Opinions on this issue are deeply divided, with some feeling that the sanctions are necessary to address the violence and to push for accountability, while others believe that Mr. Biden’s support for Israel is inadequate. The situation remains complex and deeply contentious, with both domestic and international implications.

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