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Nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office Projects Nearly $19 Trillion National Debt Increase Over Next Decade

The United States is facing a challenging fiscal outlook, with the Congressional Budget Office projecting that the national debt will increase by nearly $19 trillion over the next decade. The growing costs of an aging population and higher interest expenses are contributing to this gloomy forecast. However, there is a slight glimmer of hope as recently enacted legislation to curb federal spending and a faster-than-expected growing economy are helping to alleviate the situation. The annual deficits over the next decade are also expected to be 7 percent smaller than previously forecasted, thanks to a deal struck between President Biden and congressional Republicans to limit discretionary spending and a surge of 5.2 million new workers entering the labor force, most of them immigrants.

Despite these developments, the national debt is still projected to surpass $54 trillion by 2034, raising concerns about the country’s financial stability. Interest rates at two-decade highs are further compounding the issue, with the United States expected to spend more than $12 trillion on interest costs alone from 2024 to 2034.

Furthermore, spending on safety net programs such as Social Security and Medicare continues to grow, putting pressure on mandatory spending. The budget office also warned that the national debt could be even larger than projected, as it assumes that certain 2017 tax cuts will fully expire, while lawmakers are considering extending many of these measures. Additionally, the office expects President Biden’s clean-energy agenda to be more popular with the public and more expensive for taxpayers than initially estimated.

The projections have raised concerns among fiscal watchdog groups, with Michael A. Peterson, chief executive of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, calling for urgent action. Peterson emphasized the need for a bipartisan fiscal commission to recommend solutions to put the United States on a stronger fiscal path.

In light of these developments, Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen stressed the need for a fiscally sustainable path and proposed $2.5 trillion in deficit reduction, primarily through tax increases and a more rigorous approach to tax collection. The Biden administration is expected to present its next budget proposal next month, which will likely address these pressing fiscal challenges.

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